1850 Quick Index
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Eaton Benjamin 19 123
Eaton Berry 20 127
Eaton D**icilla 19 123
Eaton Dorthula 19 122
Eaton Elizabeth T. 19 123
Eaton Emma 20 127
Eaton Henry S. 19 123
Eaton James 19 123
Eaton Jane R. 20 127
Eaton Jessee 19 122
Eaton John 19 123
Eaton Mary M. 19 122
Eaton Matilda 20 127
Eaton Nancy 19 123
Eaton Westley T. 19 123
Eaton William 19 123
Eaton William 19 123
Edwards Andrew L. 26 181
Edwards Andrew L. 27 182
Edwards Caroline W. 5 27
Edwards E.H. 7 36
Edwards Elizabeth 26 181
Edwards Elizabeth A. 27 182
Edwards George Ann 27 182
Edwards Harvey 7 36
Edwards James A. 7 36
Edwards James E. 5 27
Edwards John T. 7 36
Edwards Laudy T. 7 36
Edwards Levi 26 182
Edwards Malinda 26 182
Edwards Martha J. 5 27
Edwards Mary 6 32
Edwards Mary F. 5 27
Edwards Otha S. 27 182
Edwards Patrick F. 26 182
Edwards Sarah 7 36
Edwards Sarah A. 27 182
Edwards W.W. 7 36
Ellmore Athey 81 581
Ellmore B. A. 81 580
Ellmore Elizabeth 81 579
Ellmore George W. 47 336
Ellmore James 81 580
Ellmore James 81 580
Ellmore James 81 581
Ellmore John 81 580
Ellmore John F. 47 336
Ellmore M. 81 581
Ellmore Mary 81 581
Ellmore Mastin 81 579
Ellmore Nacy 81 580
Ellmore Nancy 47 336
Ellmore Nncy 81 581
Ellmore Rachael A. 47 336
Ellmore Sarah 81 580
Ellmore T. E. 47 336
Ellmore Tabitha 81 580
Ellmore Thomas J. 47 336
Ellmore William 47 336
Ellmore William E. 47 336
Emmerson Alford 4 16
Emry Elizabeth 58 406
Emry Elizabeth 58 411
Emry George 58 406
Emry John 58 406
Emry John 58 411
Emry Mary A. 58 406
Emry Nancy 58 406
Emry Tabitha 58 411
Emry William R. 58 411
Estes James 16 101
Estes John G. 16 101
Estes Mary 16 101
Estes Richard C. 16 101
Estes Sarah E. 16 101
Estes W.H. 16 101
Evans Jacob 65 457

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