Mulberry Flats Baptist Church Cemetery

Tombstone Photographs
Photography by Sherri Hall. ~ 2004 Copyright by Sherri Hall.
Click on the following names to see the photo. Click on your tool bar "Back" button to return to view other photos.
Richard Decker
Gaylan and Martha Felty
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Linda Franklin
Pat and Josie Franklin
Pat - Josie and Linda Franklin
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Bowman Haycraft
Byron Haycraft
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Emort and Ambrose Haycraft
Herley and Sue Haycraft
>>>>>Backside of above marker
>>>>>Backside of above marker - detail
Jack and Flara Haycraft
>>>>>>Backside of above marker
Jeff and Gertha Hester
>>>>>>Backside of above marker
>>>>>>Backside of above marker
Norris Hester
>>>>>>Backside of above marker
Opal and Frances Hester
>>>>>>Backside of above marker
Opal and William Hester
Omer and Eunice Hornback
Robert McGrew
Robert and Sylvia McGrew
>>>>>Robert and Sylvia McGrew - Detail One
>>>>>Robert and Sylvia McGrew - Detail Two
>>>>>Robert and Sylvia McGrew - Detail Three
Hubert and Reta Moutardier
James Moutardier
John and Virgie Pennington
Henry and Mary Petty
Esker and Della Pharris
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Billie and Patricia Philpot
Infant Poteet
Ethan Ray
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Freda Siron
Clinton and Sandra Skaggs
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Sherry Stinnett
Orley Thompson
Orley and Geneva Thompson
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Unknown - One
Unknown - Two
Berthel and Roberta Van Meter
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Cartlen Van Meter
Chester Van Meter
Dale Van Meter
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Edward Van Meter
>>>>>Backside of above marker
Floyd and Peggy Van Meter
>>>>>Backside of above marker
James and Virgie Van Meter
>>>>>>James and Virgie Van Meter - Detail One
>>>>>>James and Virgie Van Meter - Detail Two
>>>>>>James and Virgie Van Meter - Detail Three
Emily Wade
Stephen Wade
Stephen and Catherine Wade
>>>>>Backside of above marker
>>>>>Stephen and Catherine Wade - More Detail
Lonnie and Mona Webb
Roy Ward