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The Grayson Gazette |
29 December 1899 | Grayson County KyGenWeb Site | |||
H. Stuart, Editor |
Subscription Rate - $1.00 per year | Single copy 5 cents | ||
Kentucky Pensioners: Original Widows - Harriet M. Studyville, Leitchfield $8 Letter from Joseph H. Oller, Company G, 8th US Inf, dated December 22, 1899, stationed at Columbia Barracks, Havana, Cuba, to his father, Mr. G. W. Oller, announcing the death of Joseph’s friend, Harvey Roberts. The letter contains one interesting sentence that I quote, and is apparently making reference to the Oller family: “There is one in the Philippines, one at home, one in the grave, and I am here.” For Sale - 2 thoroughbred Poland China male pigs, out of Patuna 3rd No.
1195, and by Overlook, No. 4499. Blue Ribbon Poultry Yards, Millerstown,
Ky. |
Marriage Licenses: Frank Nium, 25, to Miss Fannie Hicks, 21, of Grayson, at Leitchfield on 21st. * Robt. Parris, 38, to Miss Ada Anderson, 22, of Grayson, at home of bride on 24th. * John T. Clark, 19, Grayson, to Miss Mary Ringo, 18, Hardin, at Big Clifty Catholic church on 24th. * W. W. Sands, 23, to Miss Mollie Houk, 20, of Grayson, at bride’s home on 24th. * Arlando Sharpensteen, 21, to Miss Grace Marrion, 15, of Grayson, at bride’s home on 24th. G. W. Lynch, 23, to Miss Mollie Blansett, 18, of Grayson. * Jesse E. Hennon, 20, to Miss Tina Sapp, 22, of Grayson, at bride’s home on the 27th. * Orlando Fulkerson, 25, to Miss Idella Dennison, 17, of Grayson, at bride’s home on 28th. * Wm. Farris, 20, to Miss Fronia Duvall, 15, of Grayson, at Rev. Samuel Wilson’s on 28th. * Elias Houchin, 26, of Nebraska, to Miss Sarah Mudd, 16, of Grayson, at bride’s home on 31st. |
The governor issued a proclamation last week offering a reward of up to $100 each for the arrest and conviction of the unknown persons who shot and killed Greene Embry, down near Spring Lick, on the night of December 24th, 1898. This case has caused a great deal of interest in that section and several parties have been arrested on suspicion but without sufficient evidence for conviction of anyone up to this date. Short Creek School will begin January 15, 1900, and continue three months. Rates reasonable. Patronage solicited. Address R. L. Mercer, Leitchfield, Ky. |
Mr. and Mrs. James Dent went to Louisville Wednesday. * Sleighs were on the street Tuesday, the first of the season. * J. R. Layman spent Tuesday night at Millwood with his parents. * Dr. Bruce’s little daughter, Mamie, is very low with typhoid fever. * A magic lantern show was given at the Heyser House Christmas night. * Mr. Parham, of Hardinsburg, has moved into the McCall property on Oak Street. * Miss Oma Taylor, of Black Rock, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. M. Roberts, this week. * J. M. Miller, of Glendale, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dan Wortham, this week. * Wayne Wilson, of Louisville, who has been visiting at the Stoy house, returns home today. * Mrs. J. H. Rogers entertained her Sunday School class Wednesday evening at her residence. * Paul Rossdeutscher has been closing up his store early for a few evenings this week to avoid the rush. * Jake Reeser and Miss Annie Johnson, of Grahampton, Ky., are visiting friends and relatives here this week. * Judge Wells was notified by Dr. O. R. Stuteville, of Big Clifty, that there is a case of smallpox at Tine Collard’s. * R. L. Mercer, Supt. Coyle, and T. E. Layman are attending the teacher’s educational association in Louisville this week. * Ira Harrison left last Tuesday evening for Lexington to attend the State College. Ira is one of Grayson’s most efficient young teachers. * Hon. W. O. Jones will leave today or tomorrow for Frankfort to be present at the democratic caucus. He tells us he will be back about January 4th to look after matters in circuit court. * We are turning out catalogues for the Clarkson College this week. The next term begins January 2, 1900, and the teachers are B. B. Layman, Henry W. Sanders, T. F. Wirth and Ida E. Bruner. * Mr. & Mrs. Duane Morse and children were in Leitchfield Friday enroute to Diamond, Pa., to spend the holidays. He will return next week but Mrs. Morse and the children will spend a month at Diamond. * Miss Georgia Rogers gave quite an interesting pea-nut hunt Monday evening. There was a prize given to the one who found the largest amount of nuts and to the one finding the smallest amount. Mooreman Basett and Worth McBeath were the prize winners. * Wilbur Mauzy was in Louisville Monday and Tuesday. * Miss Elta Stone is visiting relatives in E’town this week. * Fred Wallace spent Sunday with his parents at Spring Lick. * Robt. Kelly, of Big Clifty, was in town on business Tuesday. * Complete line of Undertaker’s goods at Sam Terry & Co’s, Clarkson. * Johnie Yager went over to Owensboro Tuesday to visit relatives. * Willis Green, of Falls of Rough, transacted business in Leitchfield Tuesday. * Prof. G. A. Leitchhardt is spending the holidays with his parents in Vine Grove. * O. C. Yates, of Louisville, came down Monday to spend a few days with his parents here. * Mrs. J. W. Vallandingham entertained her Sunday school class at the Baptist Parsonage Tuesday evening. * Profs. J. C. Cardwell and B. N. Gordon went to Vine Grove Sunday to spend the holidays with relatives. * Miss Zella McCall gave a very delightful candy pulling to some of the young people last Monday evening. * Miss Marie Vallandingham, who has been spending her vacation here with her mother, returns to Georgetown college Wednesday. * Rev. J. W. Vallandingham, who is in Chicago being treated, is reported some better, but is not likely to return for two or three weeks yet. * Mrs. Mandy Beauchamp, formerly of this place, but now of Caneyville, died Wednesday evening. She was an aunt of Mrs. H. W. Stoy and Mrs. Bond, of this city. * Old man Barney Rafferty died in Louisville last Friday and the remains were brought to Leitchfield Saturday and interred in the Catholic Cemetery. He was about 65 years old and died of consumption. This is the fifth death in the family this year. The deceased moved from here to Louisville about three months ago. * Rex Cunningham and Dave Stoy went into the pork business some weeks ago in an enterprising way. They bought some pigs and rigged up a barrel on wheels with which they gathered up slop over town to feed them. They were rapidly increasing the world’s hog supply and their outlook for the holidays were growing constantly brighter until one night last week a triple tragedy occurred. The barrel was left about two-thirds full and along in the night the pigs got hungry and climbed into it. The next morning three cold noses were sticking out at the hole and there was a dead rise in pork. * Dr. Slaton and son, Frank, were in Louisville Wednesday. * Mrs. Mattie Rouse, of E’town, was over on a business trip and visit last Friday. * J. T. Aubrey returned from Missouri Friday to spend the holidays in Leitchfield. * Hub Lowrey, who has been very ill for the past three weeks, is reported some better. * W. O. Jones and Wm. Cunningham moved into their new places of business yesterday. * Good rooms and board for four jurymen during court. Mrs. Lizzie Rahm, three squares south courthouse. * Miss Sudie Bond, who is spending the holidays with her mother here, will return to school in Louisville Monday. * V. E. Stone and wife went to E’town Sunday to spend Christmas with Mrs. Stones parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gardner. * Dave Stoy gave a pea-nut party to several of his young friends Tuesday evening, in honor of Wayne Wilson, of Louisville. * Worth McBeath, who has been out in Illinois for the past three months, returned home last Sunday and will work with the Big Seven. * Joe C. Edelen came home from Oklahoma last Saturday to spend a week with his family. He reports quite a successful trip and numerous sales. * The lecture of Rev. T. N. Williams at the Main Street M. E. Church Friday night was well attended and a neat sum was netted for the C. P. church. * W. H. James and his son, Irvin, of Louisville, arrived here last Friday to spend the holidays with Mr. James’ daughters, Mrs. Ed Thomas and Miss Jemmie James. * Rev. C. W. Hesson leaves today for Plainsville, Ind., to engage in a revival. From there he goes to a number of appointments in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas. He is engaged in evangelistic work. * There will be a quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, south, on the second Saturday and Sunday in January. Rev. D. S. Campbell, the presiding elder, will also preach Friday night before the 2nd Saturday. The quarterly meeting at the Main street M. E. Church also comes at the same date but arrangements will be made so the two services will not conflict. * There was a Floral Wedding at E. R. Bassett’s on Christmas evening. Eight or ten couples sent a courier to tell Mrs. Bassett they would be present. Promptly at eight o’clock they gathered to participate in the nupitals of “Sweet William” and “Brown-eyed Susan,” which was most artistically conducted. Marshal Neil and Ragged Robin with the Misses Bluebel and Daisy being attendants. After the ceremony the menu which was most enjoyable was served, followed by the inimitable cake walk which was so wonderfully unique in step and gesture the Judges could not decide between the contestants. So all went home content, thanking the host and hostess for a merry Christmas and wishing them a glad New Year. * Old Iron, brass, copper, bones bought by R. Lowrey. * J. W. Dawson is spending the holidays with his family. * J. H. Barnes, of Beaver Dam, is expected here Sunday to visit Louis Moorman, * J. L. Rowe and wife, of Beaver Dam, are visiting relatives in town this week. * J. C. Yager returned home Wednesday to spend a few days with his family. * T. J. Glasscock, of McDaniels, was here Wednesday enroute to Lexington to attend Kentucky College. * Van D. Nelson, a wholesale merchant, of Louisville, spent a few days hunting birds and calling on Grayson friends this week. * J. C. Van Norte, of Sonora, Mrs. T. L. Patterson, of Caneyville, and Wm. Van Norte, wife and daughter, of Glendale, spent Christmas with the family of Wm. L. Van Norte. * Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hazelip entertained quite a number of their friends on last Wednesday evening with a progressive carom party. There were five tables and the contest was a lively one from start to finish. Miss Sudie Bond led the ladies and was presented with a handsome Egyptian vase as a souvenir. On the gent’s side five were tied and Warren Stone drew the longest straw or a beautiful paper weight. For the booby Walter Evans and Miss Annie Woods drew straws, the former getting something he likes. Fruits, nuts and candies were then served and after “going to Jerusalem,” as the play was entitled, the guests departed complimenting the host and hostess upon a most delightful evening’s entertainment. * Miss Bessie Hardis, of Clarkson, is visiting Miss Hattie Dowell this week. * Miss Fannie Eudaly, of Nebo, is the guest of Mrs. C. S. McCall this week. * Judge A. L. Wells went to Spring Lick yesterday to take depositions. * Miss Artie Hill entertained several young friends Wednesday evening. * Miss Nora Henninger, of Short Creek, is spending the holidays with relatives in town. * Louis Moorman leaves for Louisville Monday, to continue his course at the medical college. * H. W. Stoy went down to Caneyville yesterday to attend the burial of Mrs. Mandy Beauchamp. * Mrs. Hattie Slaton and Mrs. Sallie Hoffman, of Madisonville, are the guests of Mrs. C. S. McCall this week. * Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Offett, of Logan County, arrived here last Tuesday to spend the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Jess T. Gosnell. * Spoke Wanted - Highest prices paid for spokes and spoke timber delivered at Crawford and Gentry’s, Caneyville, and J. W. Kelley’s, Leitchfield. A. J. Layman. * After declaring the usual semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent the Directors of the Grayson County Bank have elected the old officers for the ensuing year as follows: John A. Bishop, President, D. O. Riley, Vice-President, E. R. Bassett, Cashier, W. W. Hazelip, Ass’t Cashier. |
Advertisements: ThomasĘ Bazaar, Ed Thomas * Lee Seminary, Shrewsbury, Ky., J. A. Payne, Principal, Geo. D. Litsey, Associate * Clarkson College, B. B. Layman, President, W. H. Sanders, Vice-President * Pure Blood Poultry, G. W. Martin * Insurance, Jess T. Gosnell * W. B. Montgomery, Druggist, Caneyville * A. T. Arnold, Dentist * Galen Barbee, Painter, Paper Hanger and Decorator * P. J. Slattery, Boot and Shoe Shop |
Notice to Creditors: Notice is hereby given to the creditors of Wm. Otto, assigned, that the undersigned Commissioner of the Grayson Circuit Court will attend at his office in Leitchfield, Ky., from the date hereof until the 15th day of January, 1900, to receive and hear proof of claims against said Otto & c; and that all claims must be presented to him and proven as required by law, within the time specified above. Chas. H. Stuart, M. C., G. C. C. December 20, 1899 |
I desire to sell my farm, containing 160 acres, which is in a good state of cultivation, has good dwelling and out buildings; lies within one mile of Leitchfield. Call on or address John K. Medcalf or W. O. Jones, Leitchfield, Ky. Strayed - a large red cow, marked swallow fork in right, one small nub of horn, left Freedom neighborhood in June. Dry at time but should have calf in August. $2.50 reward for return. W. R. Wortham, Leitchfield, Ky. |
Available Issues: | ||||
Oct 1890 | Oct 1897 | Nov 1897 | ||
Jul 1898 | Jul 1899 | Oct 1899 | ||
Dec 1899 | Sep 1905 | |||
Charles Leach
has submitted his transcriptions of the Grayson Gazette.
His family had the actual newspaper issues in an old trunk.
County Coordinator: William
R. Vincent
Assistant County Coordinator: John
G. West
Created by Bill Vincent & John G. West