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The Grayson Gazette

14 July 1899 Grayson County KyGenWeb Site
Chas. H. Stuart, Editor
Subscription Rate - $1.00 per year Single copy 5 cents
Local news from: Big Clifty; Fallen Rock; Caneyville; Clarkson; Millwood; Bloomington; Forest Hill; Short Creek; and Leitchfield  

Big Clifty: Mrs. T. M. Mimms visited friends in Leitchfield Monday. Charley Hackett’s son, aged nine years, died Friday. Hon. P. S. Bruner was in our town Tuesday on business. John Nelson, of Hardin County, was in town Monday buying hogs. Mrs. Morrison Whayne, of Ark., visited Mrs. Walter Whayne Sunday. Walter Whayne went to Louisville this week to buy a bill of drugs. Will Smith and wife spent a few days this week with Mrs. R. L. White. Richard Pence, Sallie Hart and Fonroe Terry are still on the sick list. Mrs. Mollie Sands, of Leitchfield, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Rexie Sharp. Charley Franklin went to Hodgenville Tuesday to work in the wagon spoke factory. Mrs. George White and daughter, of Daviess county, are visiting friends and relatives here. William Hatfield and Mrs. Jane Clark, of Louisville, were guests of James Hatfield last week. J. W. Watkins, of Horntown, captured a noted whisky peddler over on Nolin a few nights ago. Mrs. John Furgerson, of Midway, Ky, and Mrs. George Cook, of Texas, are visiting the family of Silas Furgerson, near town. A party of small boys who were fishing on Clifty Creek Saturday night report being fired upon by moonshiners and driven away from their camp. Henry Felix, of Ohio County, who spent several weeks at Big Clifty under treatment for fistula by Dr. Stuteville, has returned home sound and well.

Caneyville: Mrs. Sudie Wells visited relatives near Black Rock from Saturday to Tuesday. H. B. Montgomery and family spent several days last week in Owensboro visiting Mrs. Arvena Preston. Miss Dora Phelps, daughter of Dr. Phelps, of Butler county, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Nannie Dockery this week. Dr. E. B. McKenney was called last Saturday to see his mother who is sick. He returned home Tuesday and reported her much better. J. C. Tilford was in town last Monday working in the interest of the Gazette. John is a hustler and the Gazette is fortunate in securing his services. Charlie Anderson, who has been in Texas the past four years, arrived home last Wednesday. He has not yet decided whether to remain here or return to Texas. Miss Zana Barnett, of Herwood, a suburb of Owensboro, who had been visiting her uncle, Dr. N. Barnett for two weeks, returned home on the 4th accompanied by the Dr. On last Monday morning, Wm. Hughes, while working with the bridge crew on the I. C. R. R. near Philpot, fell in front of the truck car and was bruised up badly. He returned home that evening and will not be able to work for several days. Wm. E. Franks, accompanied by Frank Cately, went to Madison county, near Newby, July 3rd, where he was married on the 5th to Miss Nannie Barnes. They left Newby at 6:30 a.m. Thursday and arrived here at 9 p.m. same day. We extend congratulations.

Clarkson: James Beatty made a trip to the Sinks on Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff W. C. Denton was here Friday on business. D. J. Coleman, of West Point, was down Tuesday on business. Miss Maggie O’Brien, of Louisville, is visiting friends here this week. Henry C. Hackett reports about twenty-two guests at the Springs this week. Dr. W. S. Ward, of Mt. Vernon, was a guest of Sam Terry and family Friday and Saturday. Wood Hunter, who has been spending the past week in Louisville, returned home Saturday. Those reported on the sick list this week are Mrs. Claud Rogers, Mrs. Sam Terry and a little boy of Mr. Dowell. Wheat threshing commenced in the vicinity last week. The quality is good and is yielding about three to four bushels per acre. It is reported that the members of the Baptist Church at this place are figuring on giving a grand picnic for the benefit of their church sometime in August. Logan Kennedy, wife and two daughters, Misses Marie and Gertrude, and Miss Ella and Ray Richardson, of Louisville, are here this week the guests of Dr. Kennedy. The church festival given here July 1st by the members of St. Augustine’s church was a grand success in every respect, the net proceeds amounting to about $220.

Fallen Rock: Mrs. Lizzie Brown, who has been visiting relatives in this neighborhood, returned to her home in Owensboro Monday. Miss Ada Cummings, of Rosine, has been visiting relatives here. Misses Mollie and Dee Tunstall have gone to Illinois to visit relatives. Miss Effie Rebarker and Tandy Landrum attended the double wedding at Pleasant Grove last Sunday.


Millwood: Mr. A. Kimble was at home this week. E. O. Byers, of West Point, visited here Sunday. J. R. Layman, of Leitchfield, was one of our callers this week. Miss Ethel Conner has gone to Cloverport to spend the summer. T. J. Paraham, of Hardinsburg, Ky, spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mrs. E. W. Ford and children of new Albany, Ind., are visiting here. Walter G. Crawford, who is working at Falls of Rough, spent Saturday and Sunday here. Miss Florence White has returned to Hardinsburg where she will remain the rest of the summer. Mrs. Birdie Mahoney and Miss Lida Pearce, of Big Clifty, were the guests of A. Kimble and wife last week. Mrs. Ree Rhoades and children, of Frankfort, Ky, and her sister, Mrs. Dora Fielden, of Columbia, Tenn., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crawford, of this place.

Bloomington: Health is very good. Born to the wife of D. Stevenson on the 5th, a fine boy. John Lesher says there is a night potato digger in this neighborhood. Weather is very dry and corn, grass and gardens are needing rain very badly. Mrs. Simpson’s family were the guests of John Scott’s family one day last week. Some of our young folks went to the picnic at Bee Springs Saturday and report a good time. Dock McClure and wife visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yates, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Carnes and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Eliza Yates and little son were guests of Mrs. Hattie Lesher Sunday. Mrs. Mary Horn visited her father-in-law, Pole Horn, and other relatives last week, her husband joining her Saturday. Farmers are done plowing and are cutting hay and stacking wheat. The hum of the thresher is not heard in our neighborhood yet; the people say they want their wheat to go through the sweat in the stack.

Forest Hill: The singing given at Mr. Rahm’s Sunday was quite a success. J. J. McClure and family were guests of Frank Hill Sunday. Jim King, of Bridgeport, Ill., is visiting E. McClure and family. Miss Gerta Thompson spent Saturday and Sunday with Clarkson friends. Miss Hettie McClure returned home Friday after a pleasant visit with Leitchfield relatives. Austin Edelen and son, Will, of Big Clifty, spent Sunday with the family of E. McClure. Miss Biddie McCabe returned home Thursday after a weeks visit with relatives in this vicinity.

Short Creek: Conceding all things fair in politics, after traveling over various parts of Grayson county, such points and Gibralters of Democracy as Caneyville, Short Creek, and Falls of rough, I find as usual following a state or national convention some dissatisfaction over choice of nominee, yet as to Grayson’s co.’s choice “all will work well for those who love the Lord” and Grayson county will show up an old time majority for Wm. E. Goebel, the Kenton statesman, for Governor.

Available Issues:
  Oct 1890 Oct 1897 Nov 1897  
  Jul 1898 Jul 1899 Oct 1899  
  Dec 1899 Sep 1905    


Charles Leach has submitted his transcriptions of the Grayson Gazette.
His family had the actual newspaper issues in an old trunk.

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County Coordinator: William R. Vincent
Assistant County Coordinator: John G. West

Created by Bill Vincent & John G. West