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The Grayson Gazette

12 November 1897 Grayson County KyGenWeb Site
Chas. H. Stuart, Editor
Subscription Rate - $1.00 per year Single copy 5 cents

Public announcements:

Mayor - John A. Bishop; city police judge - H. W. Stoy; city clerk - Sim Clements; city marshal - H. H. Willis.

Circuit Court - Judge T. R. McBeath; Clerks Jess T. Gosnell and Jno. E. Stone.

County Court - Judge J. W. Shrewsbury; Clerk J. B. Rogers.

The Churches:

M. E. Church, South - Rev. Geo. Cundiff
Baptist Church - Pastor J. W. Vallandingham
Catholic Church - Rev. M. O’Connor
Christian Church - Eld. W. F. Rogers, Pastor
M. E. Church - Rev. A. K. Davis

Advertisement: Coppage and Brother, Livery and Feed Stable

The Lodges:

F. A. M. No. 236 Officers - H. A. McClure, E. B. Mehr, J. Will Rogers, Jno. E. Stone, J. A. Bishop, J. W. Shrewsbury, J. H. Armstrong, S. J. Day.

I. O. O. F. Officers - Daniel Heybach, Jess T. Gosnell.

Caneyville Lodge F. & A. M. Officers - W. B. Montgomery, W. E. Anderson.

Pilgrim Lodge No. 545 F. & A. M. Officers - C. W. Clagett, Jas. H. Albro.

Woodman of the World, Sassafras Camp No. 13 Officers - Dr. J. M. Berry, G. M. Moorman, I. T. Layman, J. W. Moorman, J. K. Medcalfe, S. T. Day, R. O. Thomas, D. L. Hughes, H. T. Hunter, and Elza Shrewsbury.

Advertisement: W. H. Basham, Union Central Life Insurance Company
Advertisement: W. B. Montgomery, Druggist, Caneyville

Magistrates Courts:

Leitchfield - J. S. Littrell; Constable Jos. Meredith.
Rock Creek - Warren Watkins; Constable Hastings Johnson
Squire Hatfield’s Courts - Constable J. W. Watkins

Election results for Magistrate Districts:

Caneyville District: Woosley defeated Jackson by 12 votes, Givens elected Constable (unopposed)
Rock Creek District: Skaggs defeated Higdon by 41 votes, Elmore defeated Vanmeter for Constable by 60 votes.
Big Clifty District: Witten defeated Hatfield by 20 votes, W. F. Hatfield elected Constable (unopposed)
Short Creek District: Litsey defeated Patterson by 49 votes, Majors defeated Edwards for Constable by 77 votes.
Leitchfield District: Rogers defeated Littell by 122 votes, Layman defeated Sands for Constable by 90 votes.

  Millwood: J. M. Smith and wife went to Leitchfield Sunday. * Mrs. Tom Spurrier has returned from a visit to Caneyville. * Mrs. H. Green, of Louisville, is visiting her parents here. * J. R. Layman, Leitchfield, was in our town Saturday. * Misses Minta Duvall and Thirza Parker and brother attended the entertainment at Leitchfield the 4th. * Will White has returned from Louisville. * S. V. Parr is spending a few days here. * Miss Minta Duvall entertained a few friends Saturday night with music. * Cards have been received here announcing the marriage of Ben Wells to Miss Sallie Patrick, of Jackson, Ky. Marriage Licenses: V. H. Matthews, 25, of Breckenridge, to Miss Ella Wright, 23, of Grayson, on the 7th. * Geo. M. Piles, 62, to Mrs. Emily Hudson, 56, both of Breckenridge. * Ed Peerce, 24, to Miss Sophia Meredith, 24, both of Grayson, at St. Augustines on the 10th. * W. D. Woolsey, 21, to Miss Nannie Woolsey, 16, both of Grayson, at Merrell Woosley’s on the 11th. *

Advertisement: Hicks, Thomas & Co. Introduce a new employee, Miss Ora Smith, who “is taking charge of our dress making department.”

Advertisement: Daniel Heybach & Son, (J. W. Heybach) Carpenters and Builders

Teachers Association: Program participants: Rev. A. H. Davis; J. R. Coyle; Maggie Patterson; Thos. Spurrier; W. F. Nichols; Mollie Tunstall; Tolbert Layman; S. C. Roberts; Robert Spurrier; Sallie Terry; R. L. Mercer; Mrs. Florence Coppage; W. H. Basham, Supt.; W. F. Nichols; Margaret Barbour; J. F. Aubrey; W. N. Stice; Kate Glasscock; Sanford Allen; Maude Montgomery; J. W. Layman; Jennie Terry; Roland Patterson; Mrs. Imogene Bratcher; Sophia Shively; J. T. Landrum; J. A. Payne.


Leitchfield local news: W. B. Hill went to Louisville to buy goods Wednesday. * Rev. John Able, of Bethlehem, was here yesterday enroute to Sunfish. * H. C. Crawle, of Hardin Springs, was in Leitchfield on business Tuesday. * Largest stock of heating and cooking stoves in the county at Bassett, Cubbage & Co.’s. * Judge J. C. Graham went to Louisville on legal business Wednesday returning yesterday. * Big bargains in guns and razors at S. T. Day & Co.’s. Don’t fail to call and see them when in town. * Rev. Early, from Memphis, Tenn., a noted Baptist minister, is conducting the revival at the Baptist church here this week. * Miss Ora Smith, of Carrollton, Ky., arrived here Monday to take charge of Hicks, Thomas & Co’s dress making department. * W. H. Brown has added another chair and now has Abe Bland and Bill Cunningham with him. With three chairs no one has to wait for a shave. * W. F. Vannort and wife, who have been spending a couple of months with Leitchfield relatives, returned home to San Deigo, Texas, last Tuesday. * A. J. Cubbage, of Montera, Ky., arrived here Wednesday night to visit his brother, Oscar Cubbage, who has been confined to his bed for several months. * John Rogers, Taylor Proctor and Dan O’Riley went up the road Tuesday, but we failed to learn whether their destination was Frankfort or Washington. * Lemuel Hughes, for several years foreman of the Gazette office, began work under John Hughes in the carpenter business this week. The change is made on account of his health. * Mrs. Charles W. Luick, of Muncie, Ind., is visiting relatives, the Cannon families, here this week. She will also visit her brothers, Drs. George and John Mitchell at Beaverdam next week. * G. M. Allen, of Olatin, who is unfortunately afflicted with blindness, made us a pleasant call while in town yesterday. Mr. Allen is not able to read himself but enrolled his name on the Gazette list. * A telegram was received here by his brother Monday night that Park Thomas was seriously ill with pneumonia at Louisville. Ed Thomas, Sr., left Monday night and his brother Henry left Tuesday morning for his bedside. * C. W. Conway, of Owensboro, a real estate dealer, was here Wednesday and Thursday with a view to purchasing some land adjacent to Leitchfield and inaugurating a boom by means of a lot sale. He secured an option on a desirable tract. * Prof. McClure, of Millerstown, was in town yesterday. * Gen. Heyser was over from Eveleigh Monday on business. * Miss Iva Layman left Monday to visit friends in Louisville. * Mrs. A. W. Thorpe left for Illinois last week to visit her sister. * Mrs. Lizzie Trainer, of Harrodsburg, arrived here Wednesday to visit relatives. * Bassett, Cubbage & Co. have one three seat platform spring wagon for sale cheap. * Jas. Daniel, of Spring Lick, was up Monday and Tuesday attending quarterly court. * Mrs. Fanny Heyser visited Mrs. Mattie Cubbage, near Clarkson, Saturday and Sunday. * Dan O’Riley’s appointment as postmaster is still “hung up” for some unknown reason. * I buy all kinds of game. Boys bring it in and get the money for it. Don’t sell till you see me. Sim Clements. * Hardin Porter, of Yeaman, was up at court Monday and Tuesday. He is well pleased with the victories of ‘97. * W. C. Moorman, the Glendeane merchant, arrived here Wednesday to visit his relatives, L. Moorman and family. * Cannon and Cunningham have just received another big lot of ladies capes and jackets. The very latest styles and lowest prices. * L. D. Heyser, of Millerstown, was here last Tuesday. He is traveling for the Morotock Tobacco Works, of Danville, Va., a large tobacco firm. * Uriah Brewer, of Coleburg, came down last Friday and remained until Sunday with relatives in Leitchfield and Big Clifty. He was accompanied home by Miss Maggie Hughes. * Some packages of the Goshen association minutes were left here by the clerk for delivery to G. W. Wortham, R. L. Dunn, and W. D. Bratcher for their respective churches. These gentlemen will please call. * On Wednesday afternoon Detective Sims, of Louisville, assisted by J. B. Shrewsbury and Wesley Hawkins, of this place, went over to the edge of Grayson and Breckenridge and arrested Logan Clark and Herbert Green of this county, Polk Hilton, Conway Jackson and another man, of Breckenridge, all charged with moonshining. They were brought here and guarded Wednesday night and yesterday. They, with Bob Gregory and Ad Allen as witnesses, were taken to Owensboro.


Clarkson: Dr. Terry, of Big Clifty, called on us Friday. * Clay Crawford, of Millwood, was transacting business here Monday. * Dr. W. S. Ward, who is now located at Dickey’s Mill, spent a few days of last week with friends at this place. * T. J. Mulhall and little son and daughter, who have been visiting relatives at Hayesville, returned home Monday. * J. T. Langley, foreman in the Blow Stave factory at Central City, is at home on a two weeks vacation. * Chas. Nelson, representative-elect of Hardin county, came down Saturday and was the guest of Sam Terry until Sunday evening. * Miss Addie Cox, who has been spending the summer at Hopkinsville, returned home Friday, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Levi Carter. * J. H. Brown and S. J. Vincent with their families, who have been visiting the family of Felix Napier the past week, returned to their homes at Bee Springs Monday. * Messrs Webster and Carter, of Falls of Rough, have purchased the Phelps property including the hotel and fixtures. We welcome these gentlemen in our midst and wish them success. * Our republican friends at this place are confused and are indulging in a fit of blues over their defeated candidates. They have lost and will continue so while they advocate a gold standard and Hannaism. Procter’s prosperity ticket did not work. * A mission will be conducted by Rev. Father Nicholas Ward at Big Clifty at Big Clifty church, commencing the 18th of this month and continuing until the 20th. And also at St. Benedicts church on Nolin Nov. 22nd to the 30th by the above named Father.

Peonia: Health in this vicinity is not good. * Tom Logsdon is on the sick list this week. * This gloomy night, I will try and pen a few lines to the Gazette. * J. E. Logsdon spent Wednesday with relatives at Bee Springs. * Miss Annie Horrell spent Tuesday with the family of henry Horrell, of Grayson Springs. * Dug Grant, of Dickey’s Mill, was the guest of J. E. Logsdon and family Sunday night. * Dr. Carroll and Frank Grant were the guests of J. S. Logsdon Sunday night. * Misses Lee and Agnes Horrell spent Wednesday evening with Miss Maggie Logsdon. * It is with sorrow that we chronicle the death of one of our most prominent young men, J. H. Shepherd, who died Saturday, Nov. 6th, at 9 o’clock p.m., after an illness of eleven days with pneumonia. The deceased was 36 years old and was always noted for his good moral character. He was a kind loving brother, a good neighbor and respected by all who knew him. He was a consistent member of the Catholic church and received the last sacrament of his church one week previous to his death. He received all the medical aid and attendance that could be obtained but all to no avail for the angel of death was too near at hand and could not be resisted. He is sadly missed by all who knew him, especially by his near relatives and also by the members of the choir of the church which he belonged and of which he was one of the members, for his voice will never mingle with theirs no more. The deceased leaves one brother and three sisters and a multitude of friends to mourn his departure. But we say dear relatives and friends, weep not for him for your loss is his gain, but walk in his footpaths that you may meet him when your trials of life are o’er. His remains were interred Monday in the Catholic burying ground at Big Clifty followed by a concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. To the bereaved family we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Honeysuckle.

Advertisements: A. T. Arnold, Dentist; A. J. Slaton, Physician and Surgeon; J. S. Stone & C. O. Harned, Physicians and Surgeons; Lone Butler, Dentist; C. H. Graves, Attorney.

School report: General average for 1st quarter in 2nd and 3rd grade public school: Hattie Hooker 80; Sallie Miller 74; Mattie Vannort 76; Georgia Dent 77; Georgia Hughes 72; Stella Rogers 72; Ollie Hammacher 82; Katie Parson 78; Ruth Moorman 75; Stella Mehr 75; Mary Willis 88; Ethel Vannort 88; Mary Harvey 81; Janie Cook 73; Rena Lander 91; Alta Proctor 71; Bessie Basham 82; Leanah Dawson 78; Iva Willis 90; Lucile Gardner 85; Bessie Lands 82; Ellen McDonald 70; Georgia McDonald 75; Artie Stoy 88; John Heavern 75; Isadore Heavern 75; Joe Alvey 81; Lassie Meredith 85; Henry Rogers 77; James Mercer 72; Marion Basham 70; Hollie Mattingly 70; Velma Brown 70; May Rossdeutscher 80; Stella Hunter 85; Chas. Metcalfe 75; Emmet Bruce 87; Paul Meredith 80; Ella Rossdeutscher 86; Dick Vannort 70; Shelly Hair 76; Fanny Heyser 70; John Shrewsbury 81; Chat Cunningham 88; John Willis 70; Boyd Cannon 75; Clarence Moorman 70; John Dent 76; Mamie Bruce 80; Dollie Proctor 83; Virgie Meredith 75; Henry Hanacher 80; Eva Oller 76; Stuart Cannon 80; Pearl Hazelip 70. Margaret Barbour, Teacher

Notice: Having left this county I am very anxious to get my business settled and request all parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me or firm of G. H. Gardner & Co., mill accounts, etc., to come and settle at once. I also want to sell four farms, my residence in town and one cottage on Mill Street with half acre. Apply to G. H. Gardner or myself for terms and prices. T. S. Gardner

Available Issues:
  Oct 1890 Oct 1897 Nov 1897  
  Jul 1898 Jul 1899 Oct 1899  
  Dec 1899 Sep 1905    


Charles Leach has submitted his transcriptions of the Grayson Gazette.
His family had the actual newspaper issues in an old trunk.

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County Coordinator: William R. Vincent
Assistant County Coordinator: John G. West

Created by Bill Vincent & John G. West