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The Grayson Gazette

24 October 1890 Grayson County KyGenWeb Site
Chas. H. Stuart, Editor
Subscription Rate - $1.00 per year Single copy 5 cents

County Directory: T. R. McBeath, Circuit Judge; C. R. Wathen, County Attorney; Jess T. Gosnell, Circuit Court Clerk; E. D. Bozarth, Jailer; John E. Stone, Master Commissioner; G. Y. Crawford, Sheriff; Deputies - Frank X. Higdon, George W. Meredith and J. C. Anderson

County Court: H. C. Rogers, Sr., Judge; George A. Cubbage, Clerk; and J. C. Graham, Attorney.

Other County Offices: W. R. Cummings, Assessor; J. C. Wilson, Surveyor; and M. R. Shrewsbury, School Supt.

Leitchfield Trustees: G. W. Meredith, Dan Haybach, C. J. Yager, T. B. Wilson and W. B. Hill. Police Court: W. O. Jones, Judge, and H. N. Adams, Marshal.

Justices of the Peace: Leitchfield - H. U. Horiell, W. H. Parish, and Oscar Hughes, Constable. Caneyville - C. B. McDaniel, J. L. Coy, and Henry Layman, Constable. Short Creek - J. B. Litsey, W. F. Patterson, and Buell Wilkerson, Constable. Big Clifty - John J. Shively and William Miller. Rock Creek - Tom Witten, H. T. Hawkins and T. B. Golladay, Constable. Sand Spring - J. T. Arms, Duncan Forbes and J. D. Jackson, Constable. Canoloway - J. G. Skaggs, B. G. Peerce and S. W. McGrew, Constable.

Baptist Church - Rev. J. C. Burkholder. M. E. Church, South - Rev. L. M. Russell. Christian Church - Rev. Rev. W. F. Rogers. St. Joseph’s Church - Rev. A. M. O Sullivan.

Advertisements: Dr. S. T. Butler, Dentist * J. W. Conklin, M. D. * John E. Stone, Real Estate Agent * J. S. Wortham, Attorney * George W. Stone, Attorney * C. E. Bruce, Dentist * A. J. Slaton, M. D. * Daniel Haybach & Co., Daniel Heybach, J. W. Haybach and John S. Hughes - Carpenters and Builders * Hill & Gardner, Ladies Shoes * Tomb Stone & Monument Work - C. F. Heyser * Grayson Seminary, W. P. Arnold * F. T. Heyser, Grocery & Bakery “Racket Store” * R. J. Bassett & Brother, Wagons, Buggies and Carts, Plows, Grain Drills, Fertilizer, Salt, Lime and Cement * Dr. Elliott’s Medicated Food, a sure cure for all diseases in horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. For sale by R. C. Hardwick, Leitchfield; George Heyser, Everleigh; L. Green, Falls of Rough; A. E. T. Shields, Clarkson; W. C. Keller, Higdon; Sam Terry, Big Clifty; and V. R. Dockery, Caneyville * W. H. Brown, Barber * Gazette Advertising, contact T. Benton Wilson * State Mutual Life Assurance Company, T. Benton Wilson, Agent * Gardner & Sutton, sewing machines.


We will begin tomorrow to move the plant of the Gazette to Heyser’s Opera Hall. This is a herculean task as the presses, stones, etc. are very heavy, and it will be difficult to get them down and up the stairways. There is also great danger in getting some of the machinery broken, and, if The Gazette does not come out on time next week, you will know that it is on account of the removal.

All that part of Rosine south of the railroad was burned on last Saturday at noon. The fire originated in the cook rooms of Judge Crowder and his dwelling, Ragland’s drug store, the hotel occupied by Mr. Leach but owned by H. D. McHenry, and the depot were all burned, besides two cars that were on the side track, and a lot of staves. The loss amounts to $7,000 and not a cent of insurance. All of the north side of the town was burned in 1882.

For Sale or Rent. My dwelling house situated in Leitchfield, Ky., known as the Spurrier property. Healthy location. One acre of ground. Fruit of all kinds. Stable and all necessary out buildings. C. F. Heyser.

Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of Aaron Stinson, deceased, either by note or account are requested to call on the undersigned and settle at once, and any one having claims against said estate will please present them at once properly made out and proven as required by law. Larkin Stinson, Administrator, Caneyville, Ky., October 1, 1890.

  Higdon: As I never see anything from this place, I will give you a few items. Mr. P. D. Ladd and wife have returned from a visit to Louisville and Madison, Ind. They report a pleasant time. *
Mr. T. J. Graham and baby Rex have been visiting his daughter of this place. * Mrs. Decator Nichols has been very ill, caused by the bite of a spider. * Mr. John Logsdon and Evan Cook were returning from Grayson Springs when the horses ran away, and threw the boys out of the wagon, killed one horse and smashed the wagon. Mr. Logsdon has the sympathy of the people, for this is the second horse he has lost this fall. * Born - to the wife of James Foster, the night of the 14th, a fine boy; wife and child doing well. James says he has a spike team now; he has three boys. * I have just returned from an extensive visit in Spencer County, Ind., my old home, where I lived in the bloom of my youth. I had not been in that county for 23 years. I found some of my friends and relatives, but many were gone to an unknown world. I went over the neighborhood and found things wonderfully changed. They have stock law, and the fencing is all gone, roads changed, the land all cleared and new houses decked about, and the old Baptist Church torn away and gone. The next morning was Sunday, and I went to Oak Grove Church to an old-fashioned class meeting. When I went in I heard Jack Parsley and his choir singing, and felt joyful, but when I began to look for those that once were there, I found that they had gone from this troublesome world to a land of rest. It seemed that their angel voices echoed back to those that were left behind. I then visited the cemetery where I found the lonely mound that covered the last remains of my old aunts and cousins. I knew like the poet, “that they were happy with their angels’ plumage on, but my heart was very desolate to think that they were gone.” The next day I went to Rockport, a nice little town where I found a great many of my old friends, and, finding a great many staunch Democrats, they felt nearer to me than ever. I traded them some Kentucky horses and left them. I shall ever remember them with love and kindness. On my return I carefully took in the Owensboro Fair, and I saw some of the prettiest stock, the finest saddle horses, and the fastest trotters and runners in the Green River country. As this is my first effort to write for publication I will close by wishing The Gazette and its many readers success. I remain Rock Creeker.

Lands for Sale - I have in my hands for sale the following described tracts of land, bought very low, for one-third cash lying in Grayson county. Much of it is well timbered with white oak and poplar and nearly all of it is good farming land. 337 acres lying near Leitchfield known as Tibbatt’s lands. 247 acres on Short Creek, known as the Wesley Porter tract. 114 acres on Short Creek, known as the Shelby Cummings tract. 109 acres on Short Creek, known as the Lafe Edwards tract. 270 acres on Short Creek, known as the William Higgins tract. 213 acres on Short Creek, known as the Davis Young tract. 12 acres near Leitchfield, known as the W. L. Starling tract. Any or all these lands can be bought very low, for one-third cash and remainder on one and two years credit, with six per cent interest from date. For particulars apply to J. S. Wortham, Agent.

Mr. C. J. Yager was in the city Tuesday. * Mr. John W. Moorman returned to Louisville Sunday night. * Miss Bettie Robinson, of Big Spring, is visiting Mrs. R. E. Yates. * Mr. Owen T. Yates spent Saturday and Sunday here with his parents. * Mrs. Charles Abraham and daughter, Mrs. H. H. Willis, have returned to Lockport. * Mr. Henry DeHaven, of Millwood, was visiting in Breckenridge county this week. * Mrs. J. T. Gosnell and her sister, Miss Mollie Balance, leave today for Logan county. * Miss Emma Skillman, of West View, Breckenridge county, is visiting the Misses Pulliam. * Miss Sophia McClure left Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Taylor Monroe, of Cave City. * Mr. Henry Monroe, of Carrollton, Ill., is visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs. Francis McClure. * Mrs. Lowery and grand-daughter, Miss Sadie Long, have returned from a visit to Elizabethtown and Sonora. * Mr. J. M. McClure, Jr., has gone to Arkansas City, Kan., to visit his sister, Mrs. Atkinson, and inspect the country. * Senator Wortham and wife returned Tuesday from a visit to their daughter , Miss Jakie who is in Lexington attending school. * Miss Frank Roberts, who had been at Owensboro for a month or six weeks, returned home last Friday to remain a few weeks. * Messrs. Harvey C., Henry B., and Dan W. Cubbage, of Yates, Mo., arrived Wednesday morning in response to a telegram announcing the death of their mother, Mrs. Wm. Cubbage.

Protect your property from cyclones and windstorms by insuring with Jess T. Gosnell, $11 buys $1,000 insurance for five years. * The Leitchfield kid baseball club went to Bloomington last Sunday afternoon and defeated the kid nine of that place. Score 40 to 39. The Leitchfield kids, like their seniors, are hard to down. * The frame work of the new Methodist church on Main street is nearing completion. When this is finished Leitchfield will be well supplied with churches. Seven in all, including two colored churches. * The last remnant of Leitchfield’s Opera House and only theatre was this week removed. That which has for many years served as public hall, theatre, skating rink, ball-room, band room and numerous other purposes has been dismantled of its stage, curtains and scenery preparatory to the removal of the Grayson Gazette office to that building. * Born, Oct. 21, 1890 to the wife of J. C. Moorman, a boy. * Mr. Ansel Wilson’s saw mill, just below Rosine, burned Monday night and nothing was saved. * Dynishus Clark and Miss Cornelia A. Wilson were married last night at 7 o’clock at the residence of C. T. Wilson, near town. * Eld. C. J. Hawes, of the M. E. church, of Louisville, will preach at the Court house on the second Sunday in November. * James Shain and Miss Eliza A. White received license yesterday to marry. They will be married Sunday at G. W. White’s, the brides father. * G. D. Purvis and Mrs. Georgia A. Aubrey, E. T. Paris and Miss Sarah P. Miller, Joseph P. Hays and Miss Elizabeth F. White have been granted marriage licenses by County Clerk G. A. Cubbage the past week

Circuit Court: The four weeks’ term of Court, the longest ever held at this place, closed last Saturday. The following are the most important cases that were disposed of since our last report. W. S. Miller vs Letcher Fleener, involving the ownership of a yoke of oxen, was a very interesting case, there being five lawyers in the case. Judgment for $66 was rendered in favor of Miller. Nancy Allen vs. W. E. Wortham suit for libel was a long case but resulted in a hung jury. J. H. Barton vs Railroad for obstructing natural flow of water resulted in a verdict of $100 for Barton, but an appeal was taken. Hon. P. H. Darby and Judge J. C. Graham sat as Special judges during most of the week, Judge McBeath being disqualified in most of the cases.


A Good Woman Gone: Mrs. Celicia Cubbage, widow of William Cubbage, came in from her home, two miles from town, on last Sunday to visit her son and daughter, and other relatives, and died very suddenly and unexpected, at 11:15 o’clock Monday night. During her trip to town on Sunday and all day Monday she seemed cheerful, ate a hearty supper Monday night and retired at 7:30 and went to sleep, seemingly as well as common. Her daughter, Mrs. William Kefauver, with whom she was staying, placed a cane at the side of the bed and told her to knock on the wall if she needed any thing. A little after eleven o’clock she tapped on the wall and called “Ollie! Ollie!” and Mrs. Kefauver went to her immediately, but in less than ten minutes she was dead. She had a slight attack of paralysis about eight or nine years ago from which she recovered, but last June she had another attack while walking in the yard and fell and has never walked a step since, but was able to sit up and could stand by bearing the principle part of her weight on one foot, and was thought to be improving when death came and relieved her from all suffering. Her funeral was not preached till 12 o’clock Wednesday that her three sons whom live in Missouri might be present. The services were conducted by Eld. J. Armstrong at the Baptist church and her remains were laid to rest in the Beaver Dam grave-yard beside her husband and three children. Mrs. Cubbage was born in Henry county March 25, 1827, and therefore was in her 64th year. She was married to Mr. William Cubbage in 1840 and was the mother of fourteen children, ten of whom lived to be grown and eight of whom are still living. Mrs. Cubbage joined the Baptist church soon after her marriage and has been a consistent member of the Leitchfield Baptist church every since they came to this county in 1860. Following the example of her savior, she was a woman of great forbearance. No odds how great her suffering she never complained. Nothing seemed to vex or worry her and she was always pleasant and cheerful, and was loved by all who knew her. Her life was one that all of her children should strive to emulate, that they may meet her in the bright world beyond. Our deepest sympathy is with those who have lost such a good mother, relative or friend.

Olaton: As there is no regular correspondence from this place, I will attempt to give you a few items. The school at this place conducted by Prof. J. D. Hocker is a perfect success. He seems to be the right man, and in the right place. He is energetic, and his plans are practical. * The Olaton Platonian Society which meets at this place every Friday night, is a success. The subject debated on the last meeting was: Resolved that Washington deserved more praise for defending America than Columbus for discovering it. It was decided in favor of the affirmative. * The farmers of this section are very busy cutting up corn and sowing wheat. * Misses Bertha and Rollie Felix, Ursa Wilson, and Prof. J. D. Hocker attended the Teacher’s Meeting at Mount Vernon church last Saturday, and all report a pleasant time. The next meeting will be held at this place on the third Saturday of next month. * There was a crowd from this place which went to Cane Run church last Sunday. * There will be preaching at this place next Sunday. * Mr. Branden Carden to see his best girl friend last Sunday. I think there will be a wedding pretty soon, as he goes twice during the week, and every Sunday for a rarity. * Mr. J. B. McDaniel went to Louisville last week and stopped at Caneyville, as he came home, to see his sweetheart. * Miss Ursa Wilson paid Misses Rollie and Bertha Felix a flying visit last Sunday. * Miss Nelia Wilson, of this vicinity, has finished a quilt with 6, 120 pieces in it. Now, who can beat that? * As this is my first writing I will close by wishing every success to The Gazette. Blue-Eyed Nell.
Available Issues:
  Oct 1890 Oct 1897 Nov 1897  
  Jul 1898 Jul 1899 Oct 1899  
  Dec 1899 Sep 1905    


Charles Leach has submitted his transcriptions of the Grayson Gazette.
His family had the actual newspaper issues in an old trunk.

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County Coordinator: William R. Vincent
Assistant County Coordinator: John G. West

Created by Bill Vincent & John G. West